"By empowering and supporting young people today, we are investing in all of our futures!"
The keywords that describe our activities are:



Belief in the possibility of change

What is risky behavior?
Risky behavior, or behavior that is difficult to understand, refers to actions that cause harm to the young person themselves or to their surrounding environment. Harm can occur to the physical (violent behavior towards objects, such as throwing or breaking items) or social environment (violence towards other people), or violent behavior may also manifest against oneself (e.g., cutting, suicide attempts, continuous use of addictive substances).
Why does a young person behave in a difficult-to-understand way, and what can be done about it?
No young person's behavior occurs without reason; through their actions, they are trying to convey something to us, and that behavior always has meaning, generally reflecting unmet needs.

Important keywords in working with youth
The most important thing is to always stand by the young person while trying to understand what keeps the risky behavior going.

What do young people themselves think?
Young people actually know better what they need.
We have gathered young people's opinions.
© MTÜ Sa Suudad 2024