1.1. The non-profit organization "Sa Suudad" (hereinafter referred to as the organization) is a nationwide non-profit organization operating in the public interest, guided in its activities by the legislation of the Republic of Estonia, with the aim of preventing and reducing risky behavior among young people. The organization is a charitable entity and operates in the public interest.
1.2. The name of the organization is the Non-Profit Organization "Sa Suudad," and its location is Tallinn.
1.3. The organization is an independent entity and is not a section of any other organization.
1.4. The main activities of the organization are focused on young people who have significant support needs and exhibit risky behavior, as well as supporting their relatives and the adults surrounding them. Support is provided through the offering of social services/interventions, counseling, therapy, and support group services, organizing further training, and carrying out prevention and awareness-raising activities in the social sector, or through other activities.
2.1. Any natural or legal person who meets the membership requirements, agrees with the organization's goals, wishes to engage in activities in accordance with those goals, and agrees to comply with the organization's charter as well as the decisions of the general meeting and the board may join the organization.
2.2. An individual wishing to become a member of the organization must submit a written application to the board, which will make a decision on admission or refusal within one month of receiving the application and will inform the applicant of its decision.
2.3. If there is a membership fee, the individual wishing to join the organization must pay the membership fee for the current fiscal year to the organization's account.
2.4. If there is a membership fee, all members of the organization are required to pay it. The decision regarding the amount of the membership fee is included in the agenda of the general meeting.
2.5. All members of the organization may withdraw from the organization based on a written application.
2.6. The board of the organization may expel a member whose actions it assesses as contrary to the organization's objectives or in violation of the charter, who harms the name or reputation of the organization through their actions, who has failed to fulfill an obligation arising from the charter or imposed by the organization's bodies, and who has not participated in any general meeting or events organized by the organization during the fiscal year.
2.7. A member who has not paid the membership fee for the current fiscal year may be expelled from the organization by a decision of the board.
2.8. The board of the organization shall promptly inform the expelled member of the decision to expel them and the reason for it. The expelled member has the right to present the matter for review at the general meeting.
3.1. Members of the organization have the right to: - participate in the general meeting with voting rights; - receive information about the organization's activities; - withdraw from the organization; - be elected as members of the governing body of the organization;
3.2. Members of the organization have the obligation to: - comply with the charter regarding participation in the organization's activities and the decisions of the general meeting and the board; - inform the board of the organization of their current contact details for the purpose of maintaining the membership records; - pay the membership fee if it has been established.
4.1. The highest body of the organization is the general meeting, where each member has one vote.
4.2. The competencies of the general meeting include: - amending the organization's charter; - changing the organization's objectives; - altering the main activities of the organization; - establishing and determining the amount of the membership fee; - appointing and recalling members of the board; - deciding on transactions with board members or other bodies and appointing a representative of the organization for such transactions or claims; - deciding on the alienation of real estate and the encumbrance of movable property owned by the organization, as well as determining the conditions for such transactions; - deciding on the organization's entry into other non-profit organizations and similar entities; - deciding on the reorganization and dissolution of the organization; - making decisions on other matters not assigned by law or the charter to the competencies of other bodies.
4.3. The general meeting of the non-profit organization is convened by the board at least once a year:
4.4. The board determines the time, place, and agenda of the general meeting and announces it through mass media as well as personal invitations at least 7 days before the meeting takes place.
4.5. The general meeting is quorate if more than half of the members of the organization are present.
4.6. Decisions of the general meeting are adopted if more than half of the members present at the meeting vote in favor. If at least 50% of the members are not represented at the general meeting, the board shall convene a new general meeting with the same agenda no earlier than three weeks and no later than three months afterward. The new general meeting is competent to make decisions regardless of the number of members present.
5.1. The daily operations of the organization are managed by the board, which represents the organization. The board consists of 1 to 3 members.
5.2. The competencies of the board include: - organizing the daily activities of the organization; - maintaining membership records and collecting membership fees; - preparing the activity plan and budget of the organization; - preparing the annual report and organizing accounting; - using and managing the organization's assets in accordance with the law, this charter, and the requirements arising from the decisions of the general meeting.
5.3. The general meeting elects the board members from among the organization's members. A board member is elected if more than half of the members present or represented at the general meeting vote in favor. The board is elected for a term of five years.
5.4. The board represents the organization in all legal transactions.
5.5. Each board member can represent the organization in all legal transactions individually.
5.6. A board meeting is convened by the chairperson of the board, their deputy, or at least 1/3 of the board members.
5.7. The board is quorate if more than half of its members are present.
5.8. The board can make decisions without convening a meeting if all board members vote in writing in a manner that allows for reproduction of the decision.
5.9. The convenor of the board meeting has the right to invite necessary experts or consultants to attend the meeting at their discretion, who shall have the right to speak.
6.1. The financial year of the organization runs from January 1 to December 31. The report on the economic activities for the previous year must be made available to members for review no later than two weeks before the organization's annual meeting.
7.1. The merger, division, and liquidation of the organization shall occur in accordance with the procedures established by law.
7.2. The liquidators of the organization shall be the board members or individuals appointed by the general meeting.
7.3. Upon the dissolution of the organization, any remaining assets, after satisfying the claims of creditors, shall be transferred to a member from the list of non-profit organizations and foundations with tax exemptions, or to a public legal entity, including the state or a local government unit.
The statutes were adopted at the general meeting held on February 24, 2024.