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For youth

Hello youth!

If you feel that life has become difficult and you need support, know that you are not alone. Even if it seems to you that you are. It is completely normal to sometimes find it hard to cope, and seeking help is a sign of strength.

The NGO Sa Suudad was created to support young people who are struggling. We want to support young people just as they need it. This means that we ask young people what they truly need to feel heard, seen, and supported in the way they require. 

It is also important for us to make young people's voices heard among adults and in society at large—we strive to express young people's thoughts, feelings, and needs to those who provide various forms of support in Estonia. 

The NGO Sa Suudad believes that every person is an expert in their own life, including young people themselves. We are all equal—just with different life experiences. 

The NGO Sa Suudad is a newly established nonprofit organization, and we are just starting our activities. We are currently developing various support options—if you have any ideas or thoughts on how to support young people, including yourself, feel free to write to us at or reach out on our social media @sasuudad.

Seniks saad lugeda mõningaid meie soovitusi ja teiste noorte mõtteid ja soovitusi, kellel minevikus oli keeruline ning vaadata, millised abi ja toe võimalused täna Eestis on.

Pea meeles, et abi otsimine on alati õige samm. Sa oled väärt, et sind aidataks ja toetataks. Kui sa tunned, et vajad tuge, siis ära kõhkle pöörduda nende võimaluste poole. Sa ei ole üksi ja on olemas inimesi, kes tahavad ja saavad sinu jaoks olla olemas just nii nagu sa vajad!

You can!